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The Official Token of the CypherThugz Game

~ $KAPA Token Contract Address ~0xD41ea019BF45E741e41bDd28C22B69C2759C4CC7


Token Supply


1% of supply distributed to participants of the Free Games
1,000,000,0000 (One-Billion)

24% of supply distributed to winners of the Heists
24,000,000,000 (Twenty-Four-Billion)

20% of supply used for Advertising 
20,000,000,000 (Twenty-Billion)

45% of supply locked into liquidity for trading
45,000,000,000 (Forty-Five-Billion)

10% of supply allocated to the creator of CypherThugz
10,000,000,000 (Ten-Billion)



The $Kapa token is the official currency of the CypherThugz game.

There is a total supply of one-hundred billion tokens
that exist primarily on the Polygon blockchain.

One billion tokens have been allocated to players
that participated in the initial pre-games & free games.

From the one billion tokens allocated to early players

40,183,226  $KAPA allocated to players of the 60 Pre-Games

35,000,000 $KAPA to winners of CypherCode Treasure Hunt

58,000,000 $KAPA distributed to players of the Bonus Game

300,000,000 $KAPA allocated for winners of the CypherCode Extensions

500,000 $KAPA allocated for future Treasure Hunts

66,816,774 $KAPA allocated for airdrops

Twenty-four-billion tokens have been allocated
for payment to the winners of future heists.

This includes twelve-million tokens
allocated to winners of the coming twelve beta-games.

Twenty-billion tokens will be used for advertising.
~Please see our "Referral Progr
am" in the Socials section~

Forty-billion tokens are locked into liquidity for trading.
$KAPA can be traded for MATIC on the Quickswap exchange.

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